Friday , December 27 2024

Children will be at risk of asthma by using shampoo and body lotion

467963 Shampoo

Bengaluru: Nowadays everyone uses skin care products. Due to dryness, we apply body lotion several times a day. But excessive use of these body lotions can be dangerous. Because many types of chemicals are hidden in them. Babies born to women exposed to chemicals in lotions and shampoos during pregnancy are more likely to suffer from asthma.

The university has also studied exposure to some everyday chemicals during pregnancy and the risks to children. development of asthma Analyzed data from more than 3,500 mother-child pairs to find the connection between.

A study in the journal ‘Environmental Pollution’ found that ‘Butylparaben’, a chemical commonly used in skin care products like lotions and shampoos, increased the risk of asthma in children by 1.54 times.

What did you learn in the study? ,
The study showed that sons born to mothers exposed to the chemical 4-nonylphenol were 2.09 times more likely to develop asthma. But no such danger was found in girls. The research team collected urine samples from pregnant women in which 24 types of phenols were measured.

Diseases like respiratory and allergy:
The research team spent four years children’s health Kept an eye on. This is done because daily use of chemicals promotes respiratory diseases and allergies in children. Nonylphenol is known to disrupt the endocrine system. Previous studies have shown that exposure to these has recently increased the incidence of diseases such as asthma. The research team said phenol levels should not be measured directly in children. He stressed on conducting studies in future to gain more information about it.