Chief Minister of New Delhi Atishi has announced that New Delhi Metro Corridor from Rithala to Kundli The foundation stone will be laid on Sunday. on this occasion Regional Rapid Transit System (RRTS) The project will also be inaugurated. Other than this, Magenta Line from Janakpuri West to Krishna Park Expansion will also be started.
RRTS Project: Improving inter-state connectivity
- The RRTS project will connect four states—Delhi, Uttar Pradesh, Haryana, and Rajasthan.
- It is being built with joint funding from the Central Government and these states.
- Delhi government in this project Contribution of ₹1,260 crore Has given.
- Three primary corridors:
- Delhi-Alwar Corridor.
- Delhi-Panipat Corridor.
- Delhi-Meerut Corridor.
Rithala-Kundli Metro Corridor and Magenta Line Extension
Chief Minister Atishi said:
- Rithala-Kundli Metro Corridor and RRTS project Strengthen inter-state connectivity And will reduce the problems related to transportation.
- extension of magenta line Will improve the connectivity of West Delhi and make commuting more convenient by reducing travel time.
Growth of Delhi Metro Network
- Delhi Metro network in 2014-15 193 km which has now doubled 393 km It is done.
- currently Construction work of 250 km metro line Continuing.
- Daily ridership:
- In 2014-15: 24 lakh.
- Now: More than 60 lakhs.
Delhi government for metro expansion and purchase of new coaches. Investment of ₹7,278 crore Have done. Through this investment:
- Blue Line: Till Noida Electronic City.
- Green Line: Till Bahadurgarh.
- Pink Line: Mayur Vihar and Majlis Park were added.
Airport Metro Line and New Projects
- Extension of Airport Metro Express Line: From Dwarka Sector 21 Yashobhoomi Dwarka Sector 25 till.
- Objective of these projects:
- Expansion of public transport.
- Reduction in traffic congestion.
- Contribution to the economic growth of Delhi and its neighboring states.
Sahibabad-New Ashok Nagar RRTS section inaugurated
The Chief Minister also announced that:
- The first section of RRTS, which New Ashok Nagar to Sahibabad Will connect to, will be operational soon.
- this step Regional connectivity and economic development of NCR Will play an important role.