Mumbai: The court refused to grant bail to bodyguard Amarendra Mishra after observing that the charges against Uddhav Thackeray's bodyguard Maurice Noronha, who was in possession of the pistol used to murder Shiv Sena leader Abhishek Ghosalkar, were justified. Mishra was arrested under the Arms Act.
An offense has been registered against Mishra under the Arms Act. He was charged with the crime of handing over a weapon to a person without checking whether he was legally eligible to possess a pistol. The detailed order of March 5 came out on Tuesday.
The court said it was necessary to pass judgment on whether Mishra had participated in the conspiracy to kill Ghosalkar by giving his gun to Noronha. Noronha had killed Ghosalkar with Miksha's gun during a Facebook live session in Borivali last month.
In his bail plea, Mishra claimed that he was innocent and had been wrongly implicated. The government alleged that Noronha had used Mishra's gun and that the two had conspired to commit murder.
Mishra claimed that he had kept the gun in a locker provided by Noronha. Therefore, the key to the locker should also be with the accused, the judge said. It is not that Noronha broke the locker and took the gun. The court said, therefore, the government's contention that Mishra had given the gun to Noronha is correct.
The court said that the two had also purchased bullets for the gun. Therefore, the court said that it is necessary to investigate Mishra's involvement.
Noronha's wife told police that Noronha suspected that Ghoshalkar had falsely implicated himself in a rape case.