Friday , December 27 2024

Chanakya Niti: This is the identity of characterless women, if you don't believe then try it yourself

Chanakya Niti: Acharya Chanakya's knowledge about politics, business and money is so accurate that it is useful even in today's era. This knowledge of Acharya Chanakya is known as Niti Shastra.
Chanakya Niti helps you to achieve anything in your life, no matter what field you are in. If you read and follow Chanakya Niti completely.

So no one can stop you from being successful, you will never be a victim of anyone's deception and will always achieve success in life.

Acharya Chanakya has also told those special things about women in his Niti Granth, which women always keep hidden in their hearts. She doesn't tell these things to anyone. In his policy, Chanakya has described the feelings of women by comparing them with men.

In this policy, Acharya Chanakya has told about women's hunger, shyness, courage and sexual desire. Let us know what are those things which women do not share with everyone.


Acharya Chanakya has described the desires of women through a verse in his Chanakya Niti. The verse is as follows-

Women are double, ahro, shy and quadruple.
Sahasam Shadgunam Chaiva Kamashchashtagunam Smritaah

According to this verse, women have twice the hunger, four times the shame, six times the courage and eight times the lust as men.

Women feel twice as hungry

According to the above verse of Acharya Chanakya, the strength of women has been described. According to Acharya Chanakya, women have twice the appetite as men. In today's lifestyle, due to work, the eating habits of women have deteriorated, but they control their appetite.

Shyness is four times more common in women

According to Acharya Chanakya's Chanakya Niti, women are four times more shy than men. Women have so much shyness that they think many times before saying anything.

courage six times

According to Chanakya Niti, women are courageous from the beginning. Women also have six times the courage than men. That is why woman has also been considered a form of power.