A case of adding names in the voter list through fake documents has come to light in Delhi’s Narela Industrial Area, Bindapur, and Dwarka police station areas. In these three cases, Election Registration Officers (ERO) took action and filed an FIR against 12 people. Now strict action will also be taken against those preparing fake documents.
Case registered against 6 people in Narela
A report has been registered against six people on the complaint of ERO Mahima Tomar at Narela Industrial Area police station.
- Names of the accused:
- Shiva Rathi
- Pankaj Jain
- Rohit Singhal
- Amit Dhariwal
- Shubham Bainsla
- Sumit Kumar
- Blame:
- All of them applied online voter application and submitted fake electricity bills as proof of home address.
- The police have registered a complaint and started investigating the matter.
Case of fake documents in Bindapur and Dwarka
- Bindapur Police Station:
- Here ERO has filed a complaint against Bulbul Kumari and Indrajeet.
- Both of them had submitted fake Aadhaar cards along with the application.
- Dwarka Sector-17 Police Station:
- FIR has been registered against four people in this case:
- Sampath
- Calmness
- Pramila
- Rajdhar Singh
- All of them used fake documents for their applications.
- FIR has been registered against four people in this case:
Chief Electoral Officer’s investigation continues
The office of the Chief Electoral Officer is now scrutinizing other applications also.
- Strict action will be taken against those using fake documents.
- The culprits who prepared the documents will also be identified soon.