BJP MP and Bollywood actress Kangana Ranaut’s much awaited film ‘Emergency’ is finally going to be released in theaters on January 17. The film was initially scheduled to release last year, but was delayed due to censor board suggestions and other reasons. Kangana is busy promoting the film these days and in an interview, she called the decision to release the film in theaters as her mistake. He believes that if the film was released on the OTT platform, better results could have been achieved.
What did Kangana say about the theater release?
Kangana Ranaut said while talking to News18:
“I was scared. I felt that releasing the film in theaters was a wrong decision. If I had released it on OTT, I would have got a better deal and not have to face censorship. I didn’t know what the Censor Board (CBFC) would remove from the film and what it would allow to be kept.”
Kangana also told that for the theatrical release, the film had to go through the process of censorship, due to which many small changes had to be made.
Effect of film delay and censorship
The main reason for the delay in the film’s release was the changes suggested by the censor board. Kangana said that the makers made changes in the film based on the suggestions, due to which it was approved for release.
He told:
“We submitted all the documents and faced investigation on small things. Many historians and people from different provinces and communities watched the film and they did not find anything objectionable in it.”
Mention of ‘Kissa Kursi Ka’ and the challenge of making a film on emergency
Describing her film as being based on a sensitive subject like Emergency, Kangana said that making a film on it was a big challenge.
He said:
“I had earlier heard about the film ‘Kissa Kursi Ka’. No one has seen that film till date because all its prints were burnt. Moreover, no one has tried to make a film on Mrs. Gandhi.”
Kangana told that today’s generation will be surprised after watching her film:
“People will be shocked to know how Indira Gandhi became Prime Minister thrice and what happened during that period. I thought I would get away easily by making a film on this subject, but things were not that simple.”
Kangana’s fight and disappointment
Kangana faced censorship and other challenges regarding the film.
He said:
“There was a disappointment, but we fought through it. The film was approved after a lot of changes and scrutiny.”