The Calcutta High Court has rejected the petition filed for selection as constable in the Central Armed Police Force (CAPF). The height of the petitioner was found to be less than the minimum height demanded in the eligibility conditions. The court made it clear that the scope for interference in the results of the Physical Standard Test (PST) is extremely limited and should be implemented with great caution.
court decision
Justice Arindam Mukherjee, dismissing the petition, said:
- PST Result:
- The petitioner failed to satisfy the height requirements in both the PST and Review Examination.
- Limitations of interference:
- There seems to be no reason to interfere with the PST results.
- This type of intervention can be done only in special circumstances.
Petition details
Petitioner Harun Mia had applied for the post of Rifleman in CAPF, SSF, and Assam Rifles under the 2024 recruitment examination.
- Eligibility:
- Minimum Length: 170 cm.
- Height of petitioner: 169.4 cm.
- Claim:
- Citing the guidelines published in 2015, the petitioner said that a relaxation of 0.5 cm should be allowed.
- He demanded to be sent for the next stage Physical Efficiency Test (PET) after exemption.
government’s side
Central government lawyers opposed the petition, saying:
- Range of 2015 Guidelines:
- Relaxation of 0.5 cm is applicable only for the Medical Examination (BMI) stage and not in PST.
- Discounts for special categories:
- The relaxation is only for Scheduled Tribes (ST) or other specific categories.
- Danger of dispute:
- If relaxation is given in such cases, it may make the entire selection process irrelevant.
court comment
The court said:
- Exemption status:
- Even after considering the relaxation of 0.5 cm, the height of the petitioner is less than the eligibility.
- Clear Guidelines:
- The allowances for BMI and height are clearly defined for different stages.
- Equality:
- Relaxing the criteria set by specialist recruitment agencies can have a negative impact on the selection system.