The Special Investigation Team (SIT) of Kochi Police on Wednesday detained prominent businessman and jeweler Bobby Chemmanur from Wayanad in connection with sexual harassment allegations leveled by Malayalam actress Honey Rose. This action has been taken after the complaint lodged by the actress.
Actress’ allegations and investigation progress
In her complaint, Honey Rose has accused Chemmanur of repeatedly making obscene comments. After the complaint was filed, Kochi Central Police booked Chemmanur under non-bailable sections. A SIT was formed under the leadership of Circle Inspector to investigate this matter.
honey rose reaction
After the action taken on her complaint, Honey Rose said that it is a day of relief for her. He said he had taken up the matter with Kerala Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan, who assured strict action against the culprits.
Allegations and controversies on social media
On Sunday, Honey Rose, through a Facebook post, had accused someone of stalking and harassing her on social media. However, the name was not disclosed in the post. Subsequently, the actress lodged a complaint with the police, based on which a case was registered against 30 people and one person was arrested.
On Tuesday, Honey Rose revealed the name of Bobby Chemmanur in her new social media post and said,
“I have filed a complaint against the derogatory comments made by you. I will take action against all such people who support your views. I have full faith in the Indian justice system.”
Bobby Chemmanur’s defense
Bobby Chemmanur rejected the allegations, saying that Honey Rose had attended two of his inauguration ceremonies, where everything was normal. He said,
“We danced there and talked funny. At that time he had no objection to anything. Now after months these allegations are being made.”
Chemmanur, who owns a jewelery brand and is the founder of Life Vision Charitable Trust, cited his social initiatives in his defence.
further action in the case
The police have taken the investigation forward after taking the accused into custody. This case has created a stir in the Malayalam film industry and business world. Honey Rose has made it clear that she will continue her fight for justice.