Due to border dispute between Madhya Pradesh and Uttar Pradesh Police, the body of a youth killed in a road accident remained lying on the road for hours. This inhumanity shocked and outraged everyone. Instead of taking action, the police of both the states remained entangled in the border dispute, which caused anger among the relatives of the deceased and the local people.
the entire incident
This case is between Harpalpur police station of Madhya Pradesh and Mahobkanth police station area of Mahoba district of Uttar Pradesh. Rahul Ahirwar, a 27-year-old youth, was going to Delhi for labour. While he was crossing the road, an unknown vehicle hit him. Rahul died on the spot in the accident.
Police inhumanity: excuse for border dispute
After the accident, a crowd of local people gathered at the spot and they immediately informed the Harpalpur police station of Madhya Pradesh. Police reached the spot but claimed that this area falls under Mahobkanth police station area of Uttar Pradesh. After this the Madhya Pradesh Police returned without taking any action.
When information about the incident was given to Mahobkanth police station of UP, they postponed the case saying that the accident happened in the area of Madhya Pradesh. Amidst this debate and border dispute, the body of the youth remained lying on the road for hours.
Outrage and demonstration of local people
Angered by this negligence of the police, the local people blocked the road and started protesting. Despite this, the police did not take any immediate action.
Police came into action after four hours
About four hours later, Madhya Pradesh Police reached the spot, picked up the body and sent it for post-mortem. Due to this delay and negligence, the family of the deceased had to face a lot of trouble.
pain of the family of the deceased
Rahul Ahirwar’s family told that he had recently got married and was going to Delhi for labour. A relative said that the accident happened at 7 pm, but the police started taking action after 11 pm. The family has demanded immediate post-mortem from the administration and arrest of the accused driver.
The video exposed the negligence of the police
Videos related to this incident are becoming increasingly viral on social media. In a video, the family members of the deceased are seen saying that this accident happened in Madhya Pradesh, but the police is making the excuse of border dispute. A policeman also threatened him and said that it was not his responsibility.
Essential Questions and Responsibility
- Has humanity been left behind due to border dispute?
- The responsibility of the police is to ensure the safety and justice of the citizens, but this incident has raised serious questions on their working style.