Mumbai: Gamdevi police of South Mumbai has arrested famous Bollywood celebrity makeup artist Chirag Bambot in a case of Rs 20 lakh with a chemical businessman. An FIR has been registered on charges of fraud of Rs 6.15 crore. According to police sources, apart from Chirag Bambot, a person named Rakesh Shetty and his wife Tamsin Shaikh have also been made co-accused in the FIR.
Chemical businessman Viraj Shah, who complained about the entire matter, said in the police complaint that the fraud started in 2021, when his office colleague and interior designer Darius Bambot introduced him to his brother Chirag Bambot. Darius said that Chirag is a celebrity makeup artist and he has suffered a huge professional loss due to Covid and is also facing difficulty in paying salaries to the employees. Darius requested the Shah to help his brother financially.
Shah and Chirag met in April 2022. At the same time Chirag started his own company Magical Makeover Pvt. Ltd. He told that he was training students to become makeup artists and said that this business is very profitable. However, it was clarified that the business is incurring losses due to Covid. Along with this, Chirag asked Shah to invest in his business and Shah trusted him and agreed to invest. Chirag also promised Shah 49 percent equity in the company. Between April and December 2022, Shah transferred Rs 41 lakh to Chirag’s business account. In October, 2023, Shah’s investment will increase to Rs. Earning of Rs 3.16 crore was done. In the beginning, Chirag was giving all the updates on the expenditure matter to Shah, which strengthened his confidence.
Meanwhile, Chirag proposes a new skin treatment business to Shah and introduces him to a man named Rakesh Shetty. Agreeing with the plans of these people, Shah was ready to invest more. Since Chirag needed money for machinery, interior and other essential items for the new business, Shah borrowed Rs. Loan of Rs. 6.50 crores was disbursed. Out of this he spent Rs. Rs 6.15 crore were transferred to the account of Chirag’s company ‘Art by Chirag Bambote LLP’. Shah was then trying to acquire 25 percent shareholding and was repeatedly contacting Chirag to get the partnership deed signed, but he kept ignoring it.
After this, whenever Shah asked for the account of the expenses, Chirag and other accused refused to give the details. According to Shah, when he was sent the bank statement of Chirag’s chartered account, it became clear that Chirag had spent the money taken from Shah for his personal benefit and not for business purposes. Finally, based on Shah’s complaint, a case has been registered against Chirag and others under IPC sections 406 (breach of trust), 409 and 120-B (criminal conspiracy) at Gawdevi police station and further investigation is underway. Is.