Four people have died while two others are missing in a tragic road accident in Jammu and Kashmir’s Kishtwar district. This accident happened when a Bolero vehicle fell into a deep ditch. A total of five people were traveling in the Bolero. As soon as information about the accident was received, the police and rescue team reached the spot and started the rescue operation.
Accident while going from Paddar to Masu village
According to the police, the accident occurred when the Bolero vehicle was going from Paddar towards Masu village. Suddenly the vehicle went out of control and fell into a deep ditch. In this accident, four passengers died on the spot, while two people are missing. Police and rescue team are busy searching for them.
identification of the dead
Those who lost their lives in this accident have been identified as Raj Kumar, Mukesh Kumar, Haqiqat Singh, and Satish Kumar. All the deceased were residents of Garh, Paddar, Kishtwar.
Union Minister Jitendra Singh expressed condolences
Union Minister Dr. Jitendra Singh expressed grief over the accident and spoke to the Deputy Commissioner of Kishtwar. He wrote on X (formerly Twitter):
“Deeply saddened to learn that four passengers have lost their lives in this accident. The driver and two other people have not been traced yet. My deepest condolences to the bereaved families.”
A big accident happened on Saturday also
Earlier, a similar tragic accident had taken place in Bandipora district on Saturday. An army vehicle had fallen into a ditch, killing four soldiers. A soldier was injured in this accident, who was admitted to the hospital. The incident is under investigation.
Questions raised again on road safety
These continuous accidents have increased concerns regarding road safety in Jammu and Kashmir. Uncontrolled speed of vehicles and dangerous road conditions are becoming the main causes of accidents in hilly areas.