New Delhi : Before the Delhi Assembly elections, Prime Minister Narendra Modi gifted projects worth more than Rs 12 thousand crore to Delhi. After the NaMo Bharat network expansion and inauguration of the new metro line, Narendra Modi addressed a BJP rally at the Japanese Park in Rohini, where he claimed that the Center was making false allegations of not allowing Delhi to function.
On one hand, Prime Minister Narendra Modi attacked the AAP government and on the other hand he also promised that the BJP government of Delhi will not stop the existing schemes. Narendra Modi termed Kejriwal’s claim that if BJP government is formed in Delhi, the schemes of free electricity and water will be stopped. He assured that the free electricity-water scheme will not be stopped in Delhi. Modi once again attacked Kejriwal by calling AAP party a disaster. He said that the fight for water in summer, the problem of filling water in rain, the problem of pollution in winter, these people have made every season a disaster in Delhi. The energy of the people of Delhi is spent throughout the year in coming out of the disaster.
So the double engine of good governance will come only when the disaster leaves Delhi. When the people of Delhi were struggling with the Corona epidemic, the Aam Aadmi Party was busy building Sheesh Mahal.