In West Bengal, the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) has made serious allegations against the ruling Trinamool Congress (TMC). BJP says that Mamata Banerjee’s government is giving shelter to Bangladeshi infiltrators and providing them Indian documents. This allegation became stronger when a case came to light in Malda district, in which Trinamool Congress panchayat chief Lovely Khatoon has been accused of being a Bangladeshi citizen.
Lovely Khatoon case
It is being claimed about Lovely Khatoon, head of Rasidabad Gram Panchayat of Harishchandrapur in Malda district, that her real name is Nazia Shaikh and she is a citizen of Bangladesh. It is alleged that Lovely entered India after Trinamool came to power. His name was included in the voter list in 2015 and in 2018 he changed his identity through a fake birth certificate. He then tried to prove himself an Indian citizen by presenting local resident Sheikh Mustafa as his father.
claims of local people
The residents of Baghmara are claiming that they recognize all the children of Sheikh Mustafa, but Lovely Khatoon has no relation with his family. Some persons have submitted affidavits, stating that their signatures have been copied and efforts are being made to implicate them in this case.
BJP’s allegations and TMC’s denial
Local BJP leaders are alleging that Trinamool leaders are giving shelter to Bangladeshi infiltrators and helping them obtain Indian documents. He says that these infiltrators have bought a large amount of land in Malda district by taking money from abroad, due to which the population structure of the area is changing and these infiltrators are becoming a threat to the local people.
No report has yet been submitted to the High Court in this matter. Lovely Khatoon’s name is also not in the National Population Register (NPR), which is another issue raised by the petitioner. Although Trinamool Congress has denied these allegations, BJP has raised questions on the government’s silence in this matter.