New Delhi : Priyanka Chahar Chaudhary and Ankit Gupta are a popular couple of TV. The pair was seen together for the first time in the film 'Udariya'. After this, Priyank Chahar Chaudhary and Ankit Gupta were seen together in Bigg Boss 16, where both got a lot of love from the fans. At the same time, now the news of their marriage has come out, on which the actress has also reacted. Priyank Chahar Choudhary and Ankit Gupta had entered Bigg Boss 16 together. There was love and conflict between the two in the house.
Are Ankit and Priyanka ready to settle down?
Priyanka Chahar Chaudhary and Ankit Gupta often share their romantic pictures on social media. Fans also shower lots of likes on both of them. Recently some media reports claimed that Priyanka and Ankit are now going to settle down. The report also says that the two may get married later this year.
Priyanka took class
As soon as the news of Priyanka Chahar Chaudhary and Ankit Gupta's marriage came on social media, it spread like wildfire. Seeing this news spreading among the fans, Priyanka Chaudhary has also reacted. The actress did not say anything directly but targeted some media portals. He made fun of the portals spreading marriage rumors in just one line.
This post of Priyanka went viral
Priyanka Chahar Chaudhary has shared a funny post in her Instagram story. Without naming anyone, the actress said, 'March is still going on, but it seems that the April Fool of some media portals has arrived early.' This post of the actress on fake news of marriage is being discussed on Instagram as well as on X.