Indian wrestler Vinesh Phogat took a shocking decision on Thursday and announced her retirement after losing in the final of the women's 55 kg wrestling competition. On Wednesday, she was disqualified from the final for being 100 grams heavier than her category. Now wrestler Bajrang Punia has given a statement on this matter. He has claimed that she did not lose, she was defeated.
Tokyo Olympics 2020 bronze medalist Bajrang Punia on Thursday made a big claim in support of Vinesh on social media platform X. He wrote, “Vinesh, you are not a loser. You will always be a champion for us. You are not only the daughter of India but also the pride of India.”
Wrestler Vinesh Phogat has announced her retirement after the disappointment in the Paris Olympics. On Thursday morning, she tweeted about her decision. Vinesh wrote, “Maa, wrestling won from me, I lost, sorry, your dream, my courage, everything is shattered, I no longer have the strength. Goodbye wrestling 2001-2024, I will always be indebted to you, sorry.”
Earlier, according to the news that came late on Wednesday night, at around 5.51 pm local time in Paris, she appealed to the Court of Arbitration for Sports (CAS) to give her a silver medal. In fact, she made it to the finals by winning three consecutive matches on Tuesday. However, when her weight was measured on Wednesday, it was found to be 100 grams more. After this she was disqualified. Sports Arbitration is also called Sports Arbitration. According to media reports, Vinesh has now gone to this place and asked to give herself at least a silver medal.