New Delhi: Bajaj keeps updating its famous motorcycle Pulsar series. This time the company has launched a new variant of Pulsar N160. Bajaj has given many advanced features in this bike. Along with this, the company has also brought updated variants of Pulsar 125, 150 and 220F. Let us know what features are given in these new Bajaj Pulsar motorcycles.
Features of the new variant of Pulsar N160
The new variant of Bajaj Pulsar N160 comes with a digital instrument console with Bluetooth connectivity and turn-by-turn navigation. The bike has a new 33mm USD front fork. Along with this, three ABS modes have also been given in the new Pulsar: Rain, Road and Off-Road.
Pulsar N160 Engine
The Bajaj Pulsar N160 has a 164.82 cc oil-cooled, single-cylinder engine that generates 15.6 bhp of power at 750 rpm. The bike has disc brakes on both the front and rear tires, as well as dual-channel ABS as standard. The new variant of the Pulsar N160 is priced at Rs 1,39,693, ex-showroom Delhi.
What is special in Bajaj Pulsar 125, 150 and 220F?
The company has brought these motorcycles with some updates. Talking about the Pulsar 125, it has single and split seats with carbon fiber finish. Along with this, all three vehicles get digital Bluetooth-enabled console, USB charging and new body graphics. Its price is Rs 92,883, while the Pulsar 150 single disc variant is priced at Rs 1.14 lakh. At the same time, talking about the price of Pulsar 220F, it is coming for Rs 1.41 lakh. The price of all these vehicles is according to Delhi ex-showroom.