Bigg Boss 18 contestant Avinash Mishra’s mother, Sangeeta Mishra recently spoke to the media and shared her opinion on the housemates. He described Vivian Dsena as Avinash’s true friend and praised him a lot. At the same time, he called Avinash’s friend Isha Singh selfish, making it clear that he does not agree with Isha’s game strategy.
Questions raised on Isha Singh
Sangeeta said in an interview,
“Salman sir was absolutely right on Weekend Ka Vaar. If Isha was Avinash’s true friend, she would not have questioned him. She is using Avinash and whenever it comes to giving support, she backs down. She gets closer to Rajat, thinking that he will save her from the nomination.”
He further said that Isha’s friendship does not seem true because she gives more priority to games than friendship.
What did you say about Avinash and Isha’s love angle?
When Sangeeta was questioned about the relationship between Avinash and Isha, she clarified that there is only friendship between the two. He said,
“If there was anything more than this, Isha would not have questioned Avinash. She believed her friend. But Isha has proved time and again that the game is more important to her.”
Called Vivian Dsena a true friend.
When asked about Avinash’s true friend, Sangeeta took the name of Vivian Dsena. He said,
“Vivian is a good person. He has a different image. The way Karan Veer Mehra fights unnecessarily, Vivian will never do that. He always supports what is right and honesty is reflected in his personality.”
Comment on Karan Veer Mehra
Sangeeta also talked about Karan Veer Mehra and said that his style of fighting is different, but he always spoils the situation.