Attack on police team in Darbhanga: The mob attacked the police team that had come to arrest the accused in Abhanda village of Laheriasarai police station area of Darbhanga district of Bihar. Along with this, some people from the crowd pelted stones at the police and tried to snatch the weapons of the police. Several policemen were injured in the attack and were taken to Darbhanga Medical College Hospital (DMCH) for treatment.
Stone pelting on police team in Darbhanga
On the orders of the court, Laheriasarai police of Darbhanga district reached Abhanda village to arrest the accused named Jitendra. When the police arrested the accused, the villagers became furious and attacked the police. In the entire incident, some people pelted stones at the policemen and there was chaos.
The entire incident of attack on policemen was informed to the senior officials of the district. After this, to control the situation, officers including City SP Ashok Kumar from Darbhanga and a heavy police convoy reached the spot. After the incident, the police have increased strictness in the area. Along with this, preparations have been made to identify the accused and take legal action against them.
Regarding the entire incident, the police officer said, ‘This kind of violence will not be tolerated at all and strict action will be taken against those who attack the police. At present, the policemen injured in the attack have been admitted to DMCH hospital, where they are undergoing treatment. The administration is investigating the incident.