Punjab News: Vigilance Bureau has caught Madan Lal Sharma, resident of village Baghora (Patiala), red handed while taking a bribe of Rs 10,000 for a policeman. In this regard, the spokesperson of the State Vigilance Bureau said that the accused has been arrested on the basis of the complaint of Dilbag Singh, resident of Balhedi village of Patiala district.
The spokesperson said the complainant approached the Vigilance Bureau and informed that he had a fight with Gurnaib Singh, the granthi at the village Gurdwara Sahib, and the granthi had lodged a complaint against him at the Ghanur police station.
The complainant alleges that the ASI posted in the said police station. To present his side in the case, Swaran Singh is pressurizing him to pay a bribe of Rs 10,000 and saying that if he does not pay the bribe, he will file a case against him. According to the complaint, the accused ASI asked the complainant to give this amount of bribe to his acquaintance Madan Lal.
The spokesperson said that after preliminary investigation of this complaint, the Vigilance Bureau team laid a trap, during which the said Madan Lal was arrested by the ASI. He was caught red-handed in the presence of 2 government witnesses while accepting a bribe of Rs 10,000 from the complainant on behalf of Swaran Singh.
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