Kangana Ranaut accused of slapping : A serious incident has happened with Kangana Ranaut, who recently won the Lok Sabha elections from Mandi seat of Himachal Pradesh. BJP MP and actress Kangana slapped a CISF woman at Chandigarh airport. Kangana has filed a complaint in this matter.
The actress lodged a complaint
According to Kangana's complaint, she had reached Chandigarh airport to go to Delhi. Here, after the security check, they were going for boarding. During this, LCT Kulwinder Kaur (CISF Unit, Chandigarh Airport) slapped her, after which Mayank Madhur, a person traveling with Kangana Ranaut, tried to slap Kulwinder. Now the accused CISF jawan has been taken into custody.
Kangana Ranaut reached Delhi
Now Kangana Ranaut has reached Delhi. She has informed CISF Director General Neena Singh about the incident in the presence of senior officials. She has alleged that Constable Kulwinder Kaur quarreled with me and slapped me in the curtain area at Chandigarh Airport. At present, Kulwinder is being questioned in custody. Apart from this, CCTV footage is also being investigated by CISF.
Kangana's spectacular victory on Mandi seat
It is worth noting that Bollywood's Dhakka Queen Kangana Ranaut has now become a queen in politics as well. In the Lok Sabha elections-2024, BJP candidate Kangana Ranaut has won a spectacular victory from Mandi seat. She has hoisted the saffron flag of BJP by defeating the son of former Congress Chief Minister Virbhadra Singh and current MP Vikramaditya Singh.