Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal has given a strong reaction to Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s speech. He alleged that PM Modi insulted the people of Delhi and their elected government in his speech. Along with this, he accused the Central Government of obstructing the development works of Delhi and not fulfilling its promises.
PM Modi’s speech and inauguration of projects
On Sunday, PM Modi inaugurated the 13-km NaMo Bharat Corridor and other projects between Delhi-Ghaziabad-Meerut to improve the connectivity of Delhi-NCR. He targeted the Delhi government and the Aam Aadmi Party in a public meeting organized in the Japanese Park of Rohini.
Kejriwal’s counterattack
Arvind Kejriwal said that in his 38-minute speech, PM Modi abused only the people of Delhi and their government for 29 minutes. He said,
“We were tortured, our leaders were sent to jail, but we did not take these to heart. Despite this, three big projects were completed in Delhi today. This shows that Aam Aadmi Party works for the people of Delhi.”
Reminded of promises of 2020
Kejriwal reminded PM Modi of the promises made in the 2020 election manifesto. He said that the promise of repealing Section 81 and Section 33 related to Delhi’s land reform is still unfulfilled. Apart from this, the notification of land pooling policy was issued in 2018, but it has also not been implemented yet.
“Votes are won not by abuses, but by work.”
Taking aim at PM Modi, Kejriwal said,
“How dare you come every five years and ask for votes just on the basis of abuses? The people of Delhi are waiting for the promises to be fulfilled. Next time you come to give a speech, talk about these issues also.”