Nitesh Tiwari's most awaited film 'Ramayana' has a lot of craze among the audience. In the film, Ranbir Kapoor will be seen in the role of Shri Ram and Sai Pallavi will be seen in the role of Mata Sita. Then the reaction of the famous Ram Arun Govil of Ramayana serial on Ranbir becoming Ram has come to light.
In an interview, Arun Govil was asked whether Ranbir would be able to do justice to this character or not? Answering this question, Arun Govil said, 'Ranbir is an award winning actor, as far as I know him, he is very cultured. However, nothing can be said in advance about anyone. But as far as Ranbir is concerned, he is a good actor. They have many values and love for culture. I have seen him many times, I am sure he will give his best to play this role.
The special thing is that the names of many stars have already been revealed for Nitesh Tiwari's upcoming film 'Ramayana'. Ranbir Kapoor has been finalized for the role of Shri Ram and Sai Pallavi has been finalized for the role of Mata Sita in the film. While Sunny Deol will be seen in the role of Hanuman, Lara Dutta will be seen in the role of Kaikeyi and Yash will be seen in the role of Ravana.