Amala Paul, despite being a leading actress in Tamil cinema, is known as a controversial heroine. Especially, in the film ‘Indus Valley’ in which she played the heroine, many film fans and social workers raised a war flag against her and said that this film is cultural decadence. Usually, negative reviews can make someone famous much faster than positive reviews, and thus Amala Palam became famous through negative reviews.
amala paul latest photo shoot
This was followed by ‘Maina’ directed by Prabhu Salomon, starring Amala Pal Vidharat. This immediately changed the negative reviews on it. At one time, Amala Paul, who grew up pairing up with Thalapathy Vijay, married director AL Vijay in 2014, who directed films like Thalaivaa and Deiva Thirumal while she was still a leading heroine. But within three years, this star couple got divorced due to differences between them.
Amala Paul with son
After divorce, Amala Paul faced a continuous decline in her film career. In which she played the heroine of the story, the film Adisha was critically acclaimed but failed at the box office. Similarly, he did some bold scenes in the film ‘Adai’, due to which he suffered adverse losses. Amala Paul was also removed from some films.
Amala Paul Family Photo Shoot
It is said that Amala Pal was very sad about this and she chose the spiritual path for this. In this case, in the year 2023, Amala Paul, who was in love with Jagat Desai, married him when she was 2 months pregnant. Amalapal got married in a very simple manner.
Amala Paul and Jagat Desai gave birth to a beautiful baby boy in June last year, whom they named Illi. Amala Paul, who regularly posts pictures of herself with her husband and child, now a traditional photo shoot with her child is going viral.