South superstar Allu Arjun’s blockbuster film ‘Pushpa 2 – The Rule’ has performed brilliantly at the box office. Rashmika Mandanna starrer this film has broken dozens of records by making a worldwide gross collection of Rs 1831 crore. However, after 34 days, there is a decline in the film’s earnings. The film’s collection on Tuesday was only Rs 2 crore 25 lakh, due to which the pace of its business seems to be slowing down.
Big start of ‘Pushpa 2’
‘Pushpa 2’, directed by Sukumar, was postponed several times, but as soon as it was released, the film created a stir.
- First week: Surprised everyone by earning Rs 725 crore 80 lakh at the Indian box office.
- Second week: Excellent collection of Rs 264 crore 80 lakh.
- Third week: Earnings dropped to Rs 129 crore 50 lakh.
- Fourth week: Rs 69 crore 65 lakh.
The film broke many business records in the beginning, but now these figures have started slowing down.
This week’s earnings: slowing pace
The performance of the film was weak this week compared to last week.
- Monday: Rs 2 crore 25 lakh.
- Tuesday: Rs 2 crore 25 lakh.
There was a 65 percent decline in the film’s earnings on Monday.
However, as there is no major competition at the box office at the moment, the collections are expected to improve over the weekend.
Makers’ new plan: extended version
In view of the decline in the earnings of ‘Pushpa 2’, the makers have announced the extended version of the film.
- The extended version will contain 20 minutes of additional footage, which will connect to the next part of the film.
- With this new version the run time of the film will be 3 hours 40 minutes.
- The extended version will be released on Sukumar’s birthday, January 11.
Keep an eye on the records of ‘Dangal’
‘Pushpa 2’ has already set a new record by collecting worldwide gross collection of Rs 1831 crore. Now its eyes are on Aamir Khan’s ‘Dangal’, whose worldwide gross collection was Rs 2024 crore. However, due to the current decline, it will be interesting to see whether ‘Pushpa 2’ is able to cross this figure or not.
Story and popularity of the film
The story of ‘Pushpa 2’ and Allu Arjun’s strong performance won the hearts of the audience. This film is based on the struggle of Pushpa Raj and her “Rule”. Rashmika Mandanna has also played a brilliant role in the film. Strong dialogues, music and action have made it a fan favorite.