Mumbai: Karan Johar had earlier announced to make ‘Student of the Year Three’ not a film but a web series. Now there are reports that Shanaya Kapoor and Alaya F have been cast as lead heroines in this project.
Shanaya Kapoor is eagerly waiting to start work on this series as both her already announced films ‘Bedhadak’ and ‘Vrishabh’ have been shelved. Compared to other star kids, Shanaya has had to struggle to get a very good launching project. Recently her film ‘Aankhon Ki Gustakhiyan’ with Vikrant Massey has also been announced.
Whereas Alaya F has appeared in one or two films but she has not done anything special.
The first part of ‘Student of the Year’ featured Alia Bhatt, Sidharth Malhotra and Varun Dhawan.
Of these, only Alia’s career has progressed while Sidharth Malhotra and Varun Dhawan have not been able to establish themselves as commercially viable stars even today.
After this, Tara Sutaria and Ananya Pandey were launched in the second franchise of this film, but after this both of them could not do anything special in their career.
– Shanaya has hopes from this series because most of the previously announced projects have been shelved.