Mumbai doctor loses ₹7 lakh in deep fake scam: A 54-year-old Ayurvedic doctor living in Andheri became a victim of a deep fake scam. She has complained of a loss of 7 lakhs. She invested after watching a deep fake video of the country's richest man Mukesh Ambani promoting Rajiv Sharma Trade Group on Instagram. In which Ambani came into the limelight by claiming that BCF Investment Academy makes the most profit. The female doctor did online research about the company after watching a deep fake video on Instagram, which showed its head office in BKC and London. After this, she found the company to be real and invested.
Deep fake video became victim of scam
Between May 28 and June 10, the woman, inspired by a deep fake video of doctor Mukesh Ambani, joined a WhatsApp group through a link. In which she was instructed to download an app promising multiple returns. And through the app, a total of Rs. 7.1 lakh was transferred to various bank accounts. The app showed a profit of Rs. 30 lakh. But when she went to withdraw the money, she found out that she had been cheated. Because, the profit was not being withdrawn. And she also lost her original investment.
Police said the video was completely fake
A complaint was lodged at the Oshiwara police station on Wednesday. According to the police, deepfake technology was used in the video created by the scammers. The police are searching for the culprits after receiving the transfer information from the complainant's bank. The police have registered a complaint under Section 66 (D) of the Indian Penal Code (IPC) and the IT Act and are investigating.
Ambani has been a victim of deep fake earlier too
Earlier too, Ambani's deep fake video went viral on the internet. In March, a deep fake video in the name of Ambani urged viewers to follow student Vineet to get free investment advice. It was claimed that Reliance Industries is running a stock trading mentorship program.