Chanakya policy: Chanakya’s Niti Shastra tells many things about married life. If anyone wants a happy and peaceful married life then he should follow Chanakya’s advice.
Chanakya has told about some qualities to live a successful married life. Chanakya says that if man and woman have these qualities then their married life will definitely be good.
Chanakya has mentioned in his Niti Shastra the qualities that a husband should have and the qualities that a wife should have. Chanakya says that if they have these qualities then their married life will be like heaven. What are they, you can know in this post.
qualities a wife should have
Chanakya has mentioned some qualities that a wife should have. The first thing it says is that the wife should be faithful. Chanakya also says that his loyalty will protect his family. Women with this character often find it easy to differentiate between good and bad. So if they become believers, their family life will be happy, says Chanakya.
sweet talk
Chanakya speaks sweetly in his Niti Shastra, the woman whose family life will be successful. Chanakya says that if such women are there in the house, then good luck and wealth remain in their family. A home with such women is always full of happiness and peace.
If you are able to protect your family from all dangers, it means that your life will be full of happiness. Chanakya says that they are the backbone of the family when the husband or family faces financial difficulties. The woman who overcomes any problem in life very quickly has a successful marriage.
qualities a husband should have
Chanakya has also told in his Niti Shastra about what qualities a husband should have. Any woman wants a man who is content and takes care of his family, even if he earns less. Women think that if their husband has these qualities then their married life will be happy.
honest man
A man should always remain loyal to his family and wife. Men should never cheat on their wives. Chanakya says that if he has a relationship with any other woman, his family will be ruined.
responsible people
Man should always be ready to perform his duties and responsibilities well. Chanakya says that it is important to be aware of this. If one forgets his family and does not fulfill his duties and responsibilities, his family life becomes doubtful.
sexual satisfaction
Sex is very important in the relationship between husband and wife. Therefore a good man should obey his wife’s wishes in matters of sex. Chanakya emphasizes that husband and wife should have these qualities for a successful married life.