Aishwarya Rai Bachchan and Abhishek Bachchan have been in the news for rift for many years. It is being said that there are ups and downs in their married life. It is also being claimed that both are going to get divorced. Recently these rumors got further strength when Abhishek Bachchan was not seen on Aaradhya’s birthday.
Abhishek was seen at Aaradhya’s birthday party
A week ago, Aishwarya had posted several pictures on her daughter’s birthday. Many pictures of Aaradhya from childhood till now were seen in it. The last photo was of Aaradhya’s birthday party, in which only mother and daughter were visible and Abhishek was not visible in the picture, which deepened people’s suspicion that after the breakup, the actress and daughter are also not living with Abhishek.
Where was Abhishek on Aaradhya’s birthday?
The truth about Aaradhya Bachchan’s birthday has come to light. Now it has been revealed where Abhishek was that day. With this, all the confusion regarding the relationship between Aishwarya and Abhishek has also been resolved. Let us tell you that till now neither this couple nor any member of the Bachchan family has broken their silence, but a video has surfaced on the internet which has brought the truth in front of everyone.
2 videos have been shared from an Instagram account named Playtime India. In a video where Aishwarya is seen with her daughter and thanking the event planner for making Aaradhya’s birthday special. So now Abhishek’s video from the same party has also gone viral.
Abhishek was not seen with his wife or daughter
Abhishek Bachchan was not seen with his wife or daughter in the video, but it is certain that he was at the party. In the video, he is also thanking the event planners for making Aaradhya’s 13th birthday special. Now after seeing this video of Abhishek, some fans have heaved a sigh of relief.