The new promo of the TV serial ‘Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai’ has excited the audience. In this, Abhira and Ruhi are seen coming together for their brother Abhir. Both of them have decided that they will die only after getting Abhir’s culprit punished. For this they will not hesitate to take the help of Sama, Daam, Dand, Bheda.
Argument between Abhira and B Nanu
At the beginning of the promo there is a heated argument between Abhira and B Nanu. B Nanu alleges:
“This is not a lie. This is the truth. The whole world knows how much Vidya ji hates Abhir. Due to this hatred, he hit Abhir’s bike with his car.”
But Abhira is not ready to listen to him. She replies firmly:
“We will fight the case in court and will fight with full honesty.”
Armaan promises to save Vidya
On the other hand, Armaan is trying his best to save Vidya from going to jail. He promises Vidya:
“You will not go to jail. I guarantee this.”
Arman is ready to go to any extent to prove his mother innocent.
Ruhi warns Abhira
After this Abhira gets a call from Ruhi. On the call, Ruhi tells him about the conspiracy of Pauddar family. She says:
“Abhira, everyone here is going to lie to save mother that mother was not in the car on the day of the accident. Mother was with the family. If you think you can win this case by telling the truth, then tell the truth. Otherwise, get ready to answer their lies with lies.”
Abhira and Ruhi’s mission
The pair of Abhira and Ruhi are clearly seen united in the promo. Both of them have decided together that they will get justice for Abhir at any cost. Will she be able to expose the conspiracy of the Pauddar family? Will she be able to win the battle of truth?
What will happen next?
The promo has brought an exciting twist to the story. What will be Abhira and Ruhi’s strategy? Will the lies of Vidya and Pauddar family be exposed? These questions are increasing curiosity among the audience.