Mumbai: The sequel of Aamir Khan's film 'Sitare Zameen Par' is unlikely to release on Christmas this year. Since the post-production work of this film is going on at a very slow pace, the film is not able to keep its release date.
Aamir Khan is known as a perfectionist in the film industry. However, his obsession with perfection is causing delays in the post-production of the film.
Aamir is motivating the film's team to deliver better quality. For this, he is even ready to compromise on the release date. However, the film's team has not yet made any official announcement about this. But, team sources admitted that the chances of the film releasing on next Christmas have reduced.
After the failure of 'Lal Singh Chaddha', Aamir is playing the lead role in a film after a long time. This film is a remake of the Spanish original 'Champion'. First Salman Khan and later Farhan Akhtar were approached for the lead role. But, as there was no competition, Aamir is finally playing the lead role.