The trailer of Aamir Khan’s son Junaid Khan’s film ‘Loveyapa’ has been released. Aamir Khan was also present on this special occasion and he expressed his happiness about this new beginning of Junaid. Also, Aamir spoke openly about love, relationships and his personal life experiences.
Aamir called himself ‘romantic’
During the trailer launch, Aamir revealed, “I am a very romantic man, Maa Kasam.” He laughed and said, “It sounds funny, but you can ask both of my ex-wives. Being romantic is my nature. This is the reason why my favorite films are also mostly romantic. I believe in true love. As we move forward in life, our understanding of love also deepens. You start learning more about yourself, about others and about life.”
accepted mistakes in love
Aamir Khan also talked about the mistakes he made in love. He said, “With time I realized what mistakes I made in love. I have tried to improve myself.”
Aamir also shared his perspective on love, “Today, love for me means having a partner with whom you feel completely comfortable. That person, after meeting whom you feel that your search has ended. When I find such a person, I will automatically connect with him.”
Love Tips for Youngsters
Aamir also gave some love tips for the young generation. He said, “Many times we think that by being with someone they will change, but it does not happen. We find it difficult to change ourselves, so it is wrong to expect the same from someone else.”
He added, “If you see red flags with someone, don’t ignore them. It is very difficult for red flags to ever turn green. Therefore, it is important to understand the early signs in a relationship. It is very important to have sensitivity, care and love in the partner.”
Aamir excited about Junaid’s film ‘Loveyapa’
Talking about Junaid Khan’s debut film ‘Loveyapa’, Aamir said that he is very excited about this new journey of his son. He expressed hope that the audience will like the film.