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A pair of 20 million light-year-long jets discovered orbiting a supermassive black hole 7.5 billion light years from Earth | News India

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Pasadena (California)/Mumbai: There is more than one solid evidence that the universe is infinite, unfathomable, strange. Something has been discovered that can be called unimaginable. This is the discovery of a pair of giant jets emanating from a supermassive black hole.

A pair of giant jets have been observed for the first time from a supermassive black hole 7.5 billion light-years away from Earth. The strange thing is that this pair of jets, spanning an extremely large area of ​​two (2) crore and three lakh light years, is the largest and longest of all the jets ever seen coming out of a black hole. Never in the history of space exploration have such bright and huge jets been seen emanating from a black hole.

This extremely important discovery was made by Dr. An astrophysicist at the California Institute of Technology. It is done by Martijn Oei and his team.

This pair of giant jets has been nicknamed Porphyrion (the Greek word for giant).

According to the research of expert astronomers, black hole is an extremely turbulent and terrible wasp well in the vast space. Any star in the universe whose mass is 8-10 times more than the mass of our Sun, when that star dies, its new form becomes a black hole. Not every star can become a black hole.

A research paper about this unique discovery of Dr. Martijn Oei has been published in the prestigious international journal Nature (18, September-2024).

Dr. Martjan Oei mentions in his paper that the discovery of the giant jet pair is like a wonderful and memorable gift to us during space exploration. Actually I was observing another galaxy in the infinite universe with my team at the Low Frequency Array Radio Telescope (LO-Netherlands). It was during this observation that we saw a very bright light very far away in space. Also, that glow was visible in two parts. It was a fascinating and mind-blowing sight, as if a giant fountain of light was flying into the universe.

When we further investigated the two very bright fountains, we realized that both fountains are actually from a supermassive black hole. Further research revealed that a pair of jets had emerged from a supermassive black hole. This supermassive black hole is 7.5 billion light years away from our Earth. Also, the length of those two giant jet pairs is unimaginable as two (2) crore 30 million light years in space.

What's more, in contrast to the expanse of these two giant jets, not only our entire solar system, but the galaxy (galaxy) that contains our solar system looks like a tiny dot, the Milky Way itself. These two giant jets contain 140 of our galaxies.

Our Milky Way galaxy is approximately 100,000 light years in diameter. India's Large Meterwave Radio Telescope (Pune) has been used to trace the origin of this giant jet plume.

International level astronomer Dr. Pankaj Joshi, who has done extensive research about black holes, told Gujarat Samachar based on his extensive study and experience that this discovery is very important and big in the field of space exploration. However, these jets are not actually ejected from the supermassive black hole, but are instead in the form of charged particles (electrically charged particles) orbiting around it. The form of these charged particles is like a jet, and extremely bright light also emanates from those charged particles, due to which the infinite universe is covered with a luminous atmosphere.

Based on my research and extensive experience, that supermassive black hole should actually be a radio galaxy quasar. Which in the language of astronomy is called Active Galactic Nuclear.

The discovery of this pair of giant jets will be of great importance in the field of space exploration. There will be a new idea, especially regarding the Jets duo. Also, extensive and useful research can be done on the area of ​​the jet, its structure, how unimaginable matter can be contained in a small area of ​​space, where and how such immense power came from. Composition of such components, etc.

Dr. has been honored by America's Stanford University in the list of world's most famous talents who have made significant contributions in the fields of astronomy-physics, nuclear science, particle physics. Presenting a very important point, Pankaj Joshi said that exploratory study of black holes is necessary. However, no understanding or knowledge of the infinite universe can come from the study of black holes. Yes, it gives a new idea about the creation of space, its infancy, development and present status etc.