Thursday , December 26 2024

A geyser kept in the bathroom can explode like a bomb, keep these things in mind

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Geyser Safety Tips: Winter has started slowly in Gujarat. Due to increasing cold, people have started bathing with hot water. There was a time when people used to heat water with spring shaped rod heaters. Although now in many houses water is being heated through electric and gas geysers, but it is necessary to be a little cautious with this.

Many incidents of geyser blast have come to light in the past. In some cases, the entire house has been destroyed in the fire, while in some cases a person has even lost his life. Today we will tell you about some safety tips related to geyser, if not followed your geyser can explode at any time.

  • Get the geyser installation done by a professional.
  • If using a gas geyser, be especially careful about leakage. For this, regular leakage should be checked.
  • You should pay special attention to ventilation and air flow while installing a gas geyser, as gas requires oxygen.
  • Always adjust the water temperature when using a gas geyser. Higher temperatures increase the possibility of geyser eruption.
  • In case of electric geyser, many times we forget to switch it off after switching it on. Due to which the risk of it exploding increases.
  • If there is any minor defect in your geyser, do not ignore it, because it can also cause a blast.
  • The geyser should be serviced and maintained from time to time, otherwise the chances of it bursting may increase.
  • Check that there is no water leaking from the geyser. If this leaked water comes in contact with the wiring, there is a risk of electric shock. Due to which life can also be lost.
  • If your geyser is old then the chances of it bursting increases. Therefore, if any part of the geyser gets damaged, the chances of electrocution and rupture may increase.