Monday , January 6 2025

A 73 year old man stuck a battery in his penis for sexual pleasure… see what happened…

A 73 year old man has given a big shock in Australia. It turned out that the old man had three pea-sized batteries stuck in his penis. Did the doctors remove this battery? How did the battery get into the penis? Let us now know in detail what is the condition of the elderly.

Actually, many strange incidents keep happening every day in every part of the world. It also seems that many incidents happening abroad will be similar. One such strange incident happened in Australia.

battery stuck in penis

A 73-year-old man in Australia was taken to hospital after having three pea-sized batteries stuck in his penis. Do you know how this battery was installed? This old man is the same one who injected the battery into the penis. It is being said that he did this for sexual pleasure. He has done this many times before. But this time, the battery went a little longer. He also agreed with the doctors.

When he did this before, he had managed to take out the battery. But this time, the battery cannot be removed. Due to this he has reached the hospital.

what happened next?

When doctors examined him at the hospital, the battery was stuck in the area of ​​ureteral necrosis. Such a case has never come to light in the world. this is the first time. And this old man came to the hospital 24 hours after getting a battery stuck in his penis. He also had many problems like severe pain in his penis and difficulty in urination.

But acid leaked in the battery and he died. Necrosis is a condition that causes tissue to die. According to experts, necrosis cannot be repaired and can be fatal.

Doctors were considering surgery to remove the battery and surrounding dead tissue. But the battery could not be removed so easily. He struggled a little. During the surgery to remove the battery, black fluid leaked from the battery and had a bad effect on the penis and doctors had to remove a large part of the penis of the elderly man.

It takes up to 6 months for the area affected by this fluid leakage to heal completely. At the same time, doctors say that the penis of this elderly man has been badly affected and it cannot be cured. Now the old man is not able to get any comfort or facility.