Kanpur Fraud News: A shocking form of fraud has come to light in Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh. A couple cheated crores of rupees by pretending to make old people young. Bunty-Babli had absconded after collecting Rs 35 crore from about a thousand people. The advertisement released by a clinic in Kanpur showed people standing in queues to pay as much as they can for treatment to look younger. Someone gave Rs 10, someone Rs 60 thousand and someone gave Rs 2 lakh. But when they realized that they had been cheated, these people reached the police station.
A time machine that makes you young
A couple named Rajeev Dubey and Rashmi Dubey open a clinic and announce that an Israeli machine will make old people young. This machine was widely publicized. The Amish people were shown that with this machine even a 65 year old man could look like a 25 year old man.
Cheating of crores of rupees by giving oxygen therapy to the elderly through Israeli machine
Not only common people but also highly educated people got trapped in this trap. After paying money, some people were put into this Israeli machine. But age did not make any difference. After this, on the complaint of a female doctor, a new kind of fraud came to light. After this, many victims came forward to speak against Bunty-Babli.
One woman said, 'The time machine will activate your cells, which will stop you from aging and you will start looking like a young man.' For this the couple took Rs 2 lakh from the woman. Some people were put into this machine, but there was no difference in their age. A woman also claimed that the machine was not ordered from Israel but was made in India.
To dupe people in the beginning The accused couple said that the package of Rs. 6 thousand It is only Rs 6 thousand. But he also said that after this the money will increase. He also told the people that the cost of therapy is only Rs 90,000 thousand.
Many people started advance booking to not miss the opportunity. Initially people were told that hyperbaric oxygen therapy and hydro therapy would be given. For this people were given different dates. But before people could come for treatment, Bunty-Babli wrapped all the bandages and ran away.