Ludhiana: The weather pattern in Punjab has changed due to wind, rain and hailstorm for two days last week. A slight cold is beginning to be felt. On Monday, the night temperature fell by four to five degrees Celsius and the day temperature fell by five to eight degrees Celsius in many districts of Punjab. According to Meteorological Center Chandigarh, Firozpur and Moga were the coldest in Punjab where the night temperature was recorded at four degrees Celsius, which was four degrees below normal.
Similarly, the night temperature in Bathinda and Faridkot was recorded at five degrees Celsius, which was five degrees less than normal. The night temperature in Ludhiana, Jalandhar, Patiala, Ropar and Amritsar was recorded at six degrees Celsius, which was three degrees below normal. The weather will remain dry till March 10 and after March 11, the weather is likely to change again.