Telegram: Bad news for crores of Telegram users. This instant messaging app can be banned in India. After the arrest of the company's head Pavel Durov in Paris, the IT Ministry has sought information from the Home Ministry about the violation of rules. However, there was no immediate response to the e-mail sent by the IT Ministry. Let us tell you that recently the CEO and founder of Telegram app Pavel Durov has been arrested at Paris Airport. He is accused of misusing the platform to launder black money as well as being involved in crimes like drug trafficking.
The CEO of the company has been arrested
According to a PTI report, Durov, 39, who holds dual French and Russian citizenship, was detained at the Paris-Le Bourget airport on Saturday after landing in France from Azerbaijan. Meanwhile, in view of the developments in France, the IT Ministry has asked the Home Ministry to look into pending complaints against Telegram and consider possible action. The IT Ministry is not an investigating agency in such cases and the CERT-In formed under the ministry also focuses on cyber security offences and not cyber crimes.
The real question here is whether there is a complaint, whether there is a similar situation in India and what action should be taken. It was asked whether Telegram, a messaging app, is subject to the safe harbour provision in that it will cooperate with law enforcement agencies, provide information when required, and assist in any investigation.
Many apps have already been banned
The Indian government has already banned many apps. Since 2020, the government has banned hundreds of apps in India. These apps were banned due to violation of IT Act 69A. If such a complaint is received against the Telegram app, then the Home Ministry can ban this instant app in India.