Red Meat Side Effects : Red meat eaters should be careful. Eating burgers, pizza or sandwiches made from processed red meat is dangerous. Recently a research has revealed something shocking. It has been told that eating red meat can cause dementia. This research of Alzheimer's Association International Conference said that people who eat more processed red meat have a very high risk of dementia, know what is the connection between red meat and dementia-
Why does eating red meat cause amnesia?
According to experts, there may be a link between processed red meat and dementia. Foods like sausages and bacon are high in fat and cholesterol and eating them in large quantities can lead to the accumulation of cholesterol plaque in the arteries. This can cause the arteries to narrow i.e. atherosclerosis and affect the blood supply to the brain. This prevents the brain cells from getting enough oxygen and nutrition, which can increase the risk of dementia.
Eating red meat increases the risk of dementia
More than 130,000 people were included in this research. It was found that those who ate processed meat daily had a 14% higher risk of dementia. Along with this, the risk of this disease was found to be reduced by 20 percent in those who ate walnuts daily.
Eating red meat can cause these dangerous diseases!
Eating red meat can also lead to dangerous diseases like heart disease, high blood pressure, coronary artery disease and stroke. It can also damage blood vessels and cause inflammation in many parts of the body. Chronic inflammation and dysfunction of blood vessels can lead to dementia.
According to experts, when meat is cooked using methods like grilling, frying or broiling, dangerous chemicals like heterocyclic amines (HCAs) and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are formed, which can cause oxidative stress and inflammation in the brain, causing cells to get damaged and the brain to age faster. This can increase the risk of neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer's and dementia.
How to prevent dementia
Research shows that eating nuts and legumes instead of processed red meat may reduce the risk of dementia. They both contain essential nutrients and antioxidants, which help improve brain health.