You must have seen people in metro, train, park or public places with earphones in their ears, who are totally unaware of their surroundings and live in their own world. Often they cannot even hear the sound of what is happening around them.
Which is caused by their earphones, earbuds or other listening devices. But imagine what would happen if people actually become deaf in the future? What if people are sitting together but cannot hear each other? But this can be possible. According to the WHO report, more than 100 crore people in the world may become deaf in the future and not an epidemic but a hobby of people will be responsible for this. An estimate from the WHO's Make Listening Safe guidelines states that by 2050, more than 100 million youth around the world may become deaf. The age of these youth will be between 12 and 35 years.
What is the volume of the equipment?
Typically, the volume level of personal devices ranges from 75 dB to 136 dB. The maximum level may also vary in different countries. However, users should keep the volume of their device between 75 to 105 dB and use it for a limited time only. Exceeding this may cause damage to the ears.
How much amount is considered safe?
According to Dr. B.P. Sharma of AIIMS, the volume coming from the device is very high. The safest sound for ears is 20 to 30 decibels. Due to continuous exposure to noise above that level, the sensor cells of the ear start getting damaged. Deafness caused by the use of the device is never cured.
This hobby is taking a toll on me
The guidelines state that about 50 crore people between the ages of 12 and 35 are currently suffering from hearing loss or deafness due to various reasons. Of these, 25 percent of the people are used to listening to something continuously at high volume on their personal devices such as earphones, earbuds, headphones. While about 50 percent of the people are exposed to loud music played at entertainment places.