Today, while opening the donation box of Achleshwar Mahadev in Gwalior, there was a ruckus when Mukesh Dhirubhai Ambani was threatened in the donation box. When the donation amount was counted, it was written on a stamp paper that my next target is Mukesh Dhirubhai Ambani. The address is also written on the stamp, which says Manoj Sharma son of Rameshwar Dayal Sharma resident of Balaji Vihar, Gwalior.
After receiving the threatening stamp, the temple authorities handed it over to the police. The police is investigating the matter. The donation amount found in the donation box of Achleshwar Mahadev temple was being counted, when this stamp was revealed. A devotee has written that I need three thousand rupees. I have lost this money, please arrange it for me. Apart from this, there are also letters related to family problems. The name of a girl has also come up in one letter.
On the instructions of Achleshwar Management Committee Chairman and retired High Court Judge NK Modi, retired bank employees opened the locks of the temple's fourteen donation boxes. For counting, the notes were first sorted and bundled. After this, the notes were counted. Temple manager Varinder Sharma said that this month, an amount of Rs 6 lakh 53 thousand 450 has been collected as offerings. The threatening note to Mukesh Ambani has been taken out and information about it has been given to the police.