Veteran businessman and Adani Group chairman Gautam Adani has made a big announcement. According to reports, 62-year-old Adani said that he will retire at the age of 70 and step down as chairman from the group. In early 2030, he will hand over the company to the new owner. Now the question at this point is who will Gautam Adani give the company to.
This person will become the owner
Gautam Adani, a prominent name in the business world, will retire at the age of 70 and according to sources, he is planning to hand over the reins of the group to his son and nephew. In a statement to Bloomberg, he revealed the mega plan, which will make his 4 successors – sons Karan and Jeet, as well as nephews Pranav and Sagar – equal beneficiaries of the trust upon his retirement.
Who is responsible currently?
According to the information, Gautam Adani's elder son Karan Adani is the Managing Director of Adani Ports while his younger son Jeet Adani is the Director of Adani Airports. According to the information, Pranav Adani is the Director of Adani Enterprises and Sagar Adani is the Executive Director of Adani Green Energy. As far as Adani Group is concerned, it has 10 listed companies. Its total market cap is around $21.3 billion. The group's business is spread across sectors like infrastructure, ports, shipping, cement, solar energy etc.
Who will be the new president?
According to the information, Karan and Pranav can be strong candidates to become the chairman. According to an interview, Gautam Adani has said that he will approach the new generation in a systematic manner to take over the reins of the group. He has left the option to the second generation.
How much participation will be received?
According to sources, the Bloomberg report said that a confidential agreement directed the transfer of the group's stake in the company to a successor. Apart from this, he also said that Karan, Jeet and nephews Pranav and Sagar aim to run the company like a family. If Gautam steps down, the new generation will run the Adani Group as a family. All successors will get equal share in the family trust.
Gautam Adani's sons said that when Gautam Adani leaves his post, he will take a decision along with the family in case of crisis or any policy call. This information has come at a time when Adani Enterprises has more than doubled its profit in the first quarter of 2024-25.