Deoria, July 17 (HS). Under the government's ambitious scheme of free tablet and smartphone distribution, Sadar MP Shashank Mani Tripathi distributed smartphones to the meritorious students at Sita Devi Mahavidyalaya of Bhatni Nagar Panchayat on Wednesday. During this, while addressing the students, he said that the Uttar Pradesh government has started a free tablet and smartphone distribution scheme to enhance the talent of the youth.
He informed that on 19 August 2021, Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath had announced the Free Tablet Smartphone Scheme in UP. The youth of the state will get smartphones and tablets under this scheme. About one crore youth will be benefited under this ambitious scheme of about Rs 300 crore. This scheme is becoming quite successful in connecting the youth through technology and ensuring the availability of educational material through the Internet.