Actress Shraddha Kapoor and Rajkumar Rao's horror-comedy film 'Stree' entertained the audience a lot. Currently, the audience is eagerly waiting for its sequel. The makers have recently released the teaser of the film, which has increased the excitement of the fans. Everyone is eagerly waiting for the trailer of 'Stree 2' directed by Amar Kaushik. Shraddha Kapoor has revealed the trailer release date of the film.
Teaser will be released on this day
Shraddha Kapoor shared the poster of the film on social media and informed about the trailer release. The actress has said that the trailer of 'Stree 2' will be released on July 18. Sharing the new poster on her ex account, Shraddha wrote, 'Hey Nari is coming in 2 days. The trailer of Stree 2 will be released in 2 days. This film is releasing on Independence Day 15 August 2024.
Fans are very excited
In the new poster of the film, cut hair is visible. A shadow is visible behind them. It is written on the poster, 'O protect the woman.' The line in the first part of the film 'Stree' was, 'O woman, come tomorrow.' This time a scary horror will be shown in the film, which fans are very excited to see.
The film will be released on this day
'Stree 2' is one of the most awaited horror comedy films of 2024. The teaser of the film has already been liked by the audience. In such a situation, now people are eagerly waiting for the film. The film will be released in theaters on 15 August 2024. The teaser of the film was released on 25 June. Sharing the teaser, Rajkummar Rao wrote, 'This time there will be terror in Chanderi on Independence Day! It's Independence Day, coming back on 15th August.
Tamannaah Bhatia will be seen in the film
The teaser begins with Rajkumar Rao and others offering milk to a statue of a woman. Shraddha Kapoor is seen in the role of 'Stree' in the teaser. Tamannaah Bhatia is also seen. The film 'Stree 2' is directed by Amar Kaushik. It is produced by Jio Studio and Dinesh Vijan. The first part of the film was released in the year 2018. The film did good business at the box office. The film was a hit.