Agni Dev: Agni, one of the five elements, has a special quality that it can accept anything without seeing it. While accepting it, it will never see whose land, object and place it is. But do you know about this curse of Agnidev in which this power to burn anything is not a boon but a curse given by a sage. Let's know about it…
Why has Agnidev been cursed to burn everything to ashes?
Once Maharishi Bhrigu, son of Brahmaji, went to the banks of Ganga in the evening. On the way, a demon named Puloman saw him. In the absence of Maharishi, Puloman reached his hut in the guise of a saint and asked for alms from Maharishi Bhrigu's wife Puloma. Hearing the demand for alms, Puloma came out and bowed to the demon in the guise of a saint and gave alms.
Puloma invited the sadhu for a meal and invited him in. Puloman finished his meal quietly and left.

The demon came to meet Puloma because Puloma's father had performed a marriage ceremony with Puloma when she was a child. Puloman was very sad to see Puloma's beauty and when he came out of the hut after having dinner, he lit a fire in the havan kund and invoked the fire god. Puloman said to Agnidev, O Agnidev, I swear by your religion, please answer my questions truthfully, to this Agnidev said, ask Puloman, what do you want to ask.

On this Puloman said that when Puloman was a child, his father got him married to me. But after attaining youth, he got married to Maharishi Bhrigu. In such a situation, you tell me whose wife is she? Hearing this, Agnidev got confused, then said to Puloman, if she is my wife then I will take her with me right now and if you lie then I will curse you.
This sage cursed Agnidev,
On which Agnidev says, O Puloman, it is true that Puloma's father married her in her childhood, but that marriage was based on words. When Puloma was young, she was married to Maharishi Bhrigu with full ceremony. Not listening to his words, Puloman started taking the pregnant Puloma, due to which Puloma gave birth to a son at the same time and Puloman was burnt to ashes by the brilliance of that child.
Seeing all this, Puloma became afraid, then in the evening Maharishi Bhrigu came there. Puloma told the whole thing to Maharishi Bhrigu, due to which Maharishi Bhrigu cursed Agnidev and said that if neutrality is your nature, then now you will eat or consume things without thinking about right or wrong.
Seeing the curse of Maharishi Bhrigu, Agnidev became invisible, after which chaos spread in the entire universe. The gods went to Brahma with this calamity that had befallen them after the curse of Maharishi Bhrigu. After listening to the gods, Brahma called Agnidev and gave him a boon that things will become pure and holy by his mere touch. Apart from this, a part of the food offered to the gods will also be yours. Hearing this, the gods and Agnidev were very happy.