Hathras Case Big revelations are being made every day about Bhole Baba, who has been in the news since the stampede in Hathras Satsang. Baba's lawyer said that he had left the place before the incident. However, the video of him leaving from there after the incident has gone viral. On Thursday, a CCTV footage has surfaced, which is raising questions on Baba's claims. In this video, Baba's caravan is seen leaving. It is being said that this video is after the stampede in the satsang. However, this video has not been confirmed yet.
Baba's lawyer's secret was revealed after CCTV footage
It is seen in the video that Baba's servants are standing in a line outside the petrol pump and just then his convoy passes by. It is said that this fleet belongs to 'Bhole Baba'. Let us tell you that Baba's lawyer said that he had left from there before the incident. The time is also visible at the end of this video, which is 1.23 pm on 2 July.
More than 121 people died in a stampede during a satsang
It is worth noting that more than 121 people have died in the stampede at Bhole Baba Satsang in Hathras district of Uttar Pradesh on July 2. Most of the dead include women and children. Apart from this, more than 150 devotees have also been injured in this accident. Dead bodies are scattered in the hospital. This satsang was organized in Phulrai village of the district. After this incident, there has been an uproar across the country. New revelations are constantly being made about why this incident happened. In this incident, the police have registered an FIR against 17 people and started investigation, while Baba Bhole is absconding.
Baba's real name was Suraj Pal, he left his job and started doing satsang
The real name of the Baba whose satsang was confirmed in Hathras, Uttar Pradesh is Suraj Pal. He has claimed in his own Uttar Pradesh that earlier he was working in the police intelligence department. Later he left the job and started doing satsang. After entering the preaching field, Surajpal changed his name to Saakar Vishwa Hari. However, people also know him as Bhole Baba. Unlike traditional storytellers, Bhole Baba preaches in a three-piece suit. His wife also sits with him during satsang.