Many people like to plant jasmine plant in their homes because of its fragrance. But snakes are more likely to live in plants of the jasmine vine family. The reason behind this is the strong smell of the flowers of this plant and its dense growth.
Cypress Plant: If there is open space around the house, then cypress tree can be planted. Now these plants are dense and attractive to look at as a decoration. But due to its density, snakes gather around it.
Citrus plants: Be it lemon grass or any type of citrus plant, these plants are home to rats and small birds. Snakes keep hovering around these plants to eat them. Therefore, do not plant citrus plants in the house.
Clover Plant: Most people use clover plants for home decoration. These plants completely cover the area where they are planted. Due to its dense growth, snakes can easily hide under it.
Pomegranate plant: Recently people have started planting pomegranate plants in the courtyard and balcony of their house. But you may be surprised to know that snakes reside near pomegranate trees.
Clove plant: These plants have the property of attracting snakes. This is due to the smell coming from this plant.