Stock Market Today: On June 4, during the Lok Sabha election results, the Indian stock market fell sharply and investors lost Rs 31 lakh crore in a single day. It took five trading sessions to recover it. Investors' capital has increased by Rs 32 lakh crore in five trading sessions. Today, the stock market witnessed huge fluctuations. Sensex and Nifty remained flat. After reaching an all-time high for two consecutive days, investors' profit booking has increased. Investors' capital has increased by Rs 1.97 lakh crore today.
Today, after a fluctuation of 564.09 points, the Sensex closed down by 33.49 points at 76456.59. While the Nifty closed with a slight improvement of 5.65 points at 23264.85. Today, 376 stocks hit an upper circuit on the BSE, while 130 stocks hit a lower circuit.
BSE market cap at all-time high
The BSE market cap has reached a record high of Rs 427.05 lakh crore today. In just 13 trading sessions, the BSE market cap has increased by Rs 7 lakh crore. While during the 4300 point gap recorded on June 4, the BSE market cap has increased by Rs 32.21 lakh crore in five trading sessions as against Rs 394.84 lakh crore.
Smallcap-Midcap index again at record level today
The uptrend in smallcap and midcap stocks continued. Smallcap and midcap indices again reached new record highs today. Smallcap closed up 0.95 percent while midcap closed up 0.74 percent. Out of the 50 stocks included in Nifty 50, 22 stocks closed in the red zone. Kotak Mahindra Bank, Divi's Lab, ITC, Reliance Industries and Dr. Reddy's were the top losers, while ONGC, Tata Motors, L&T, Adani Ports, Maruti Suzuki were the top gainers.
Indices including FMCG, Healthcare, Metal, Consumer Durables closed in the red zone due to profit booking.