Gumla, 12 April (Hindustan Reporter) Villagers of more than half a dozen villages near Serengdag market of Ghaghra district have held a meeting and decided to boycott the vote if the road is not built. Earlier on Monday also, hundreds of rural men and women from eight booths held a meeting in Sarango Navatoli garden and decided to boycott the vote.
On one hand, the district officials are continuously issuing many instructions to increase the vote percentage. On the contrary, even after the decision to boycott the vote, the block officials are not finding it appropriate to reach out to them and know the reasons for the boycott. Regarding the vote boycott, a meeting was held again on Friday near Serengdag market, where the unanimous decision of no road, no vote was taken while raising slogans. In the said meeting, lawyer Kherwar said that the primitive tribes and tribal families living in the forested hills are still feeling cheated.
The government talks about being well-wishers of the tribals, but the tribal communities from Itkiri to Bhaisabathan, Tuymu, Serendag, Kechki, Zalim and other tribal communities are forced to gather dust due to non-construction of the road. When bauxite trucks pass through the unpaved roads, even the food kept in homes gets contaminated. Ratindra Bhagat said that the road was built about 50 years ago, but now not even a trace of the road is left due to dilapidation. The government gets revenue worth crores from bauxite, but the government does not consider it necessary to build roads.