Along with her films, Ameesha Patel is also in the news for her personal life. Recently, a photo of her with businessman Nirvana in Dubai went viral, after which the news of their affair spread. However, Nirvana has responded to all these reports, in which he said that Ameesha is his family friend and there is no romantic relationship between them.
Nirvana’s statement:
In an interview with Free Press, Nirvana clarified, “Ameesha and I are not dating. She is our family friend and my father knows her since his school days. We both were in Dubai, where I was shooting for my music album, which also featured Ameesha. We have worked together.”
About Nirvana:
Nirvana is a successful businessman who joined his family business at the age of 20. He considers his father as his role model. Additionally, Nirvana also has a strong interest in music; At a young age he started playing harmonium and has also recorded many bhajans.
Ameesha’s professional life:
Talking about Ameesha Patel, in the year 2023, she was seen in the film “Gadar 2”, whereas before this she also worked in “Tauba Tera Jalwa”, which was not very successful. Now she will be seen playing her role in “Gadar 3”.