Actor Raghubir Yadav, who has been a part of popular projects like ‘Panchayat’, ‘Peepli Live’, ‘Chacha Chaudhary’, and ‘Lagaan’, started his career with shows like ‘Mungerilal Ke Haseen Sapne’ on Doordarshan. Recently, he mentioned an interesting incident from his life at an event, in which he told how he ran away from his home due to the fear of failing in class 11th.
Story of running away due to fear of failure
Raghubir Yadav told that when he was put to study science, he felt that he was going to fail in the board exams. He said, “I was mourning in the evening, wondering how I should live, how life would go on. Then a professional fugitive came to me and I told him that I would fail. He asked me, ‘Will you run?’ I said, ‘Yes.'”
Relatives joke on returning home after 20 years
He further told that when he returned to his village after 20 years, relatives made fun of him. “When I ran away, relatives had said that now you will be seen only on the screen of Lakshmi Talkies. But when I won national and international awards, everyone said, ‘Yes, we had said then that he will return only after doing something.’ Now everyone had become relatives.”
This anecdote of Raghubir Yadav shows how people appreciate you only after success and till then you have no importance. His experience is a source of inspiration for the youth that success can be achieved only through struggle and hard work.